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Parking and Traffic Safety


For all Bus issues, questions, or concerns – please contact the Transportation Department at 425-837-6330


  • The bus loading/unloading zone is for buses ONLY
  • Parking during school hours is in designated spots only
  • If dropping off or picking up students before or after school, the Student Loading/Unloading Area can be used in the front of the school
  • Crosswalks are clearly marked in the parking lot for our community’s safety

Parking Lot Safety:

When picking up or dropping off children, please observe Endeavour’s Parking Lot safety plan:

  • Turn off cell phones and give full attention to safety
  • Pull forward as far north as possible along the Student Load/Unload area
  • The parking lot is a NO IDLE ZONE, please turn off your engine while waiting
  • Vehicles cannot be left unattended, for any reason, in the drop-off lane during arrival or dismissal times
  • Do not double-park when dropping off or picking up students
  • Remind your student to enter and exit on the curbside of your vehicle only after you have come to a full stop
  • Vehicles are permitted only in front of the school building for safety reasons
  • Endeavour staff supervises students 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after school only, please BE ON TIME to keep your students safe
  • Obey all signs, student patrols, school personnel directing traffic, and use crosswalks
  • Due to safety concerns with Issaquah-Fall City Road, students and families are not allowed to walk or ride bikes, skateboards, scooters or rollerblades to school

Bus Passes:

  • If a student rides the bus and needs to get off on a different stop, written parent permission is required
  • If a student is riding a different/new bus home with a friend or taking a different bus for any reason, must have a signed note from a parent
  • All notes need to include the following information:
    • Full names of both the student and the person they will be riding with
    • The bus number they will be on
    • The dates they will be riding the bus
    • Phone number where the parent can be reached
    • Please send all notes to the Main Office at least one day before the change will be made
  • Students will not be able to call home to make arrangements to go home with another student