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January Assembly and December Jag of the Month!

Students hold up their sign during presentations

On Wednesday, January, Endeavour Jaguars had their first all school assembly of the new year! We were able to recognize our December Jaguars of the Month (see more info below!) and Ms. Nakamura's class introduced to the school the January characteristic - Persevere.

Students researched and presented quotes from famous people of the past who demonstrated great perseverance. The assembly ended with the always exciting drawing of Golden Tickets! Golden Tickets are handed out to classrooms who are caught demonstrating the Endeavour Jaguar motto of being respectful, responsible, safe and a learner.

Six lucky classes were drawn and will enjoy a popsicle party with Principal Funes later this month. 


Student speaks into the microphone during assembly


Assembly screen "Persevere"


Congratulations to the December 2023 Jaguars of the Month!


These students demonstrated what it means to Be Involved.  Each classroom chose one student who demonstrated what it means to be involved through trying new things, working with the people around them, and speaking up for what is right. 

December students of the month stand on stage

Kindergarten: Bentsen - Brooks A., Silva - Kiaan C., Aizaga - Elise N.

1st Grade: Wilson - Kvita S., Herda - Ben C., Parker - Pernaam C., McKenny - Ivan S.

2nd Grade: Whalen - Denise P., Cleveland - Sathvik S., Espino - Omar M., Wells - Colin W.

3rd Grade: Pehl - Eliana O., Mulvany - Ivy H., Cromwell - Makaha R., Sakala - Nivaan, Wollgast - Max D.

4th Grade: Shupe - Aarna G., Lovercamp - Sofia S. and Grady S., Zotov - Ryan P., Ngo - Emerson G.

5th Grade: Jensen - Christian B., Nakamura - Adrian S., Kirschenman - Nooh S., Van Houten - Daiyi L.

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