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Attendance Policy

  • Regular school attendance is important for success of every student. Daily attendance and active participation in each class are critical parts of the learning process.
    • Please try to schedule all appointments and vacations during non-school times.
    • If a student is absent, families will be notified through a computerized message
  • Families must report absences to the school office through a phone call, note, or email to the attendance office. If you know your student will be absent for any reason, please let the office know as soon as possible (425-837-7353 or
  • Any student who arrives after the 9:15am bell, is considered Tardy. They will need to check into the office with an adult before going to class. 
  • For the complete Issaquah School District Attendance please see Regulation 3122 - Excused and Unexcused Absences.

Check a Child Calls

If your child is absent and we have been notified in advance, you should not receive an automated call from the ISD. We refer to these calls as "Check a Child". Teachers strive to accurately report absences by 9:30 each morning and the office staff works to enter all phone calls/emails as soon as possible in order to send out the Check a Child calls. Occasionally, students arrive late or we receive an email/call late and students are marked absent inadvertently which results in a Check a Child call being sent unnecessarily. We appreciate your patience when this happens. Our goal is to know the whereabouts of all of our students. Please call the office if you receive a call and believe your child is in school and we will make sure they are where they are supposed to be!

Extended Absences

3 or more days

District Policy on Absences

State law requires our school to closely monitor student absences and their potential impact to the academic progress of students. At times the school may call to ensure strong school support for students and their families.

To help us please consider the following: