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Important Message from the Principal

Message From

Dear Endeavour Families,

At Endeavour, we are committed to ensuring that our school is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for every student and family. We recognize that recent changes to national immigration policies may be causing uncertainty or concern for some members of our community. Please know that the Issaquah School District remains dedicated to protecting the rights of all students and ensuring that every child has access to a safe and supportive learning environment. Our schools do not collect or share information regarding immigration status, and we stand firm in our commitment to treating all students and families with dignity and respect.  Endeavour will be following the district Regulation 4300: Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools as necessary to keep all students safe.

In addition to ensuring physical safety, we must also foster an environment where students feel emotionally safe and valued. Recently, we have seen an increase in students using inappropriate language, including calling others or things “gay” in a negative way and making comments about students’ appearances, such as calling them “transgender” based on the length of their hair. Often, students use these terms as “jokes” or to make fun of others.  There is never a reason that these terms should be used, language like this is not okay.  Using language to mock or label others does not align with our school’s values and is not acceptable in our school community. We encourage families to have conversations at home about the power of words and the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect.

Our core expectations - being respectful, responsible, and safe - guide everything we do at Endeavour. At school, we will continue to reinforce these expectations through classroom discussions and social-emotional learning lessons; making sure all students have a safe and welcoming place to come every day.

Thank you for your partnership in building a school community where all students feel like they belong, are valued, and supported. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With appreciation,
Megan Funes
Principal, Endeavour Elementary

  • Endeavour Elementary