Site Council
Endeavour has a strong and active Site Council. The Site Council is an elected body of parents, school staff, community members and the principal. The Council addresses school wide issues, changes in policies that address student needs and provides a forum for discussion. The Council does not address personnel or mandate curriculum issues.
Meetings are held once a month and all meetings are open to the public. Minutes from each meeting are posted on the Endeavour Website.
If you have any concerns or input regarding issues such as school culture, safety, support for staff, school rules/discipline, or facilities, Endeavour parents and community members are welcome to request action and or add input during Site Council meetings. If you are interested in addressing a school concern or issue, you may fill out a Site Council Action Request Form and return it to the Office. Site Council Action Request Form must be submitted at least 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting in order to be considered for placement on the next agenda.