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Smarter Balanced Testing for Grades 3rd-5th

Below are the testing dates, times, and test administered for each grade. Our 4th and 5th graders took the SBA last Spring so should be familiar with how the testing works. For 3rd graders, this will be their first time taking the Smarter Balanced Testing. Teachers will introduce students to the testing expectations and how it works prior.

As a reminder: vacations will not be approved during standardized testing dates. Please be sure your child is well rested and at school during the testing windows.

Practice and Training Tests can be found on OSPI’s website:

3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

May 15 - English Language Arts - Computer Adaptive Test

May 17 - English Language Arts - Performance Task

May 30 - Mathematics - Computer Adaptive Test

May 31 - Mathematics - Performance Task

May 13 - English Language Arts - Computer Adaptive Test

May 14 - English Language Arts - Performance Task

May 24 - Mathematics - Computer Adaptive Test

May 28 - Mathematics - Performance Task

May 6 - English Language Arts - Computer Adaptive Test

May 7 - English Language Arts - Performance Task

May 14 - Science

May 20 - Mathematics - Computer Adaptive Test

May 21 - Mathematics - Performance Task

State Testing

Washington students are tested regularly by the state to assess their progress as they move through school. The State Test for elementary school students is the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy) and math. In addition to the SBA, students in grades 5, 8 and 11 take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS), which assesses the Washington State 2013 K-12 Science Learning Standards.

District Assessments

Our comprehensive assessment system includes district-wide assessments in Kindergarten through 8th grade. These assessments were carefully selected to provide valid, reliable and useful information on the achievement of our students.

Uses of these assessments include the following:

  • Informing instruction. Elementary district assessments provide valuable information on the specific skills and learning needs of students, so that their teachers can design instruction to meet the needs of their students.
  • Early identification of learning difficulties. Early identification of literacy and math learning difficulties is critical to supporting and accelerating learning and to preventing early problems from becoming more severe over time.  Washington State requires screening for weaknesses in literacy skill development that may be associated with dyslexia. Learn more about this screening process within the ISD.
  • School Improvement Planning. Assessment information is used by school leadership teams to direct school improvement efforts and build effective, equitable programs that support learning.

District Assessments include the following:

i-Ready Reading & Math Assessments

Used in Kindergarten through 8th grade, i-Ready Assessment provides information that empowers teachers with a deeper knowledge of their students’ needs. Based on research into assessment design and backed by extensive validity evidence, i-Ready assessments provide information teachers meaningful, actionable insights into students' skill proficiencies and learning needs to empower differentiating instruction.  



WaKIDS is a state-wide program designed to welcome children and their families to kindergarten and the K-12 system as partners in their child’s education. All Issaquah School District elementary schools will participate in the WaKIDS program. WaKIDS is required for schools that receive state funds for full-day kindergarten.