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School Improvement Plan

What is a School Improvement Plan?

A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a strategic blueprint that schools use to enhance student learning and improve educational practices. It outlines specific goals for improvement, actions to achieve those goals, and methods for measuring progress.

Key Points of a SIP:

  • Goals: Clear objectives the school aims to achieve to enhance student outcomes.
  • Actions: Steps and strategies the school will implement to reach its goals, based on research and effective practices.
  • Monitoring: Regular review of progress with adjustments made to ensure the school stays on track toward its improvement objectives.

The purpose of a SIP is to provide a clear roadmap for schools to improve educational outcomes for all students, particularly focusing on eliminating disparities and ensuring equitable opportunities for every student.

Every school in Washington State is required to have a School Improvement Plan.

Monitoring and Adjusting:

A SIP is not set in stone. It's reviewed regularly, with progress monitored against the set goals and activities adjusted as needed to stay on track toward improvement.

Visit the Issaquah School District SIP website to learn more about SIPs.

District - School Improvement Plans


front of Endeavour Elementary

Achievement Goals

By Spring of 2024:

  1. 80-95% of 1st through 5th grade students will meet standard as measured by the i-Ready Reading Assessment.
  2. 60% of K-5th grade students with IEPs, as based on the Students with Disabilities subgroup on the WSIF, will exceed their expected progress toward Typical Growth, and 40% will be on track to meet their i-Ready Stretch Goal in ELA – as based on the annual spring administration of the i-Ready Reading Assessment.

Guiding Questions

Reflecting on previous action plans

Backed by Data

Schools use multiple data sources to inform their planning. Progress toward school improvement in overall achievement and disproportionality is monitored using state and district measures using a common School Improvement Data Dashboard.

Data Workbook for Elementary School

School-Based Action Plan

Action Implementation Impact: Evidence/Monitoring

School Specific Professional Development

i-Ready 101: New(er) Teacher PD focusing on implementation & understanding

Accommodations to support students with LRC & MLL services across all areas of the building

  • i-Ready 101 – New(er) Teacher PD focusing on implementation & understanding: 4-Session PD, delivered by Curriculum Associates, to support new(er) teachers implementing the assessment, the online tool, and utilizing the data and additional resources to best serve all students.

  • Accommodations to support students with LRC & MLL services across all areas of the building: LRC & MLL support teachers supporting specialists & classified staff to understand the academic, behavioral, and social emotional accommodations. Collaboration happened in August, and throughout the year as necessary


  • i-Ready 101 – New(er) Teacher PD focusing on implementation & understanding: Increased implementation of the i-Ready program, allowing teachers to use the data and structures to support Success Block, or students who need extensions. Clearer understanding of achievement vs growth goals to develop individual, class, and school goals.

  • Accommodations to support students with LRC & MLL services across all areas of the building: Participation & academic achievement of students increases across all areas of the building.

  • Accommodations to support students with LRC & MLL services across all areas of the building: Evidence of MLL strategies used for all students, not just those in the MLL program.


  • Breakfast Club
  • Check-in/Check-out program (CICO)
  • Breakfast Club: Daily check-in with students that have excessive absences. Students are offered breakfast and incentives to attend school daily.

  • Check-in/Check-out program (CICO): Building focused model to support students. Classroom teachers taking on the CICO for students they work with. Developing school-wide understanding of the program to be implemented in individual classrooms

  • Breakfast Club: Regular or improved attendance by all students participating in Breakfast Club.

  • Breakfast Club: Truancy Petitions are reduced.

  • Check-in/Check-out program (CICO): Students on our Tier 2 tracker for behavior will see increased positive involvement in class and with peers, and decreased numbers of SWIS referrals or need for adult support with behavior issues.

  • Check-in/Check-out program (CICO): Family communication/collaboration will support students finding success with the CICO program.

Family Engagement

Spring 2023 & Beyond: Family Surveys based on CR-TFI

Work with Callie Greenfield to develop a family survey that can be given in the spring of 2023 to develop a baseline of family feedback & input. Focus of the survey will be around community perspectives of school expectations, incentives, discipline, and safety

Increase family involvement in school-wide events, volunteering, and development of school-wide systems.

Supporting Contributing Factors
  • LRC Check-ins to track i-Ready Progress
  • Development of Release Days 
  • SEL Supports: Leadership Clubs (4th & 5th grade); Friendship Club (3rd & 4th grade); Social Club (5th grade)
  • LRC Check-ins to track i-Ready Progress: Admin and LRC Team check-in weekly to use the Personalized Instruction Monitoring Guide. Goal is for students to have 100% passing rates on Reading i-Ready lessons

  • Development of Release Days: By Spring 2023 (and into the subsequent school years) implementing at least 3 half-day release days annually for grade level and content level teams to meet and collaborate around Common Core aligned instruction.

  • Identified students meet with Counselor and/or Dean at least once a week to focus on social skills development and instruction. Differentiated activities based on grade level and perceived needs of students.

  • LRC Check-ins to track i-Ready Progress: Gap-closing disproportionality data; students understanding and owning their own growth & achievement

  • Development of Release Days: Stronger PLC+ structures, developing collaborative and common data analysis systems to support all students

  • SEL Supports: Leadership Clubs (4th & 5th grade); Friendship Club (3rd & 4th grade); Social Club (5th grade): Increased sense of belonging for our intermediate students; increasing their academic performance and decreasing their behavioral/discipline needs

SIP Team & Final Review

  • Principal: Megan Funes
  • Site Council/PTSA Review Date: February, 2022
  • Supervisor Review: Susan Mundell
  • School Board Review Date: February 15, 2023

Leadership Team:  

  • Katie Sabol, Dean of Students

  • Lynn Bacon, Kindergarten Teacher

  • Lizzy Herda, 1st grade Teacher

  • Holly Cleveland, 2nd grade Teacher

  • Jennifer Lasik-Thompson, 3rd grade Teacher

  • AnhThu Ngo, 4th grade Teacher

  • Misti Shupe, 4th grade MERLIN Teacher

  • Kathy Jensen, 5th grade Teacher

  • Leah Skosky – Librarian

  • Shandell Baker, LRCI Teacher
