Issaquah School District Academics
Every day in Issaquah classrooms, we work toward our mission statement: "Our students will be prepared for and eager to accept the academic, occupational, personal and practical challenges of life in a dynamic global environment." As a District, this includes building an educational experience for students that has a strong foundation in core subjects, provides opportunities to discover personal passions and interests, develops competency in emerging technology, and helps students design an ethical compass so they can act as responsible, healthy national and international citizens. Our School Board has defined these essential learning goals in five "Ends for Students".
Overseen by the Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) department, the District’s academic program is based on consistent, standards-based curriculum and materials delivered with fidelity at the highest levels by skilled teachers. TLS provides powerful strategies, data, and resources to teachers, principals, and educational assistants as well as direct services to students, resulting in powerful learning.
District Programs
The District offers a variety of programs for students with various learning needs, including English Language Learners (ELL), Title 1, and struggling and gifted students. These services are based upon the same foundation of curriculum, instruction, and assessment provided for all general education students. In concert with Special Education, Career and Technical Education, and at-risk partners, these offerings constitute a full continuum of student services supporting our belief that in Issaquah, all children can and do learn powerfully.
Grading Calendar
Semester Schedule 2024-2025
Semester One
- End of Semester – January 24
- Report cards available in Family Access – January 31
Semester Two
- End of Semester & Report Cards – June 23
- Last Day of School – June 23*
*Weather make-up days:
If school is closed during the school year due to inclement weather, March 14th will be the first make-up day. Additional school days will be added to the school calendar in June as needed.